Monday, February 28, 2011

What is an emergency that needs to be addressed right away?


How do I know if a repair needs to be done now or if it can wait?


There are certain habitability issues that a Landlord is required to take care of right away.  They include:

1.  Water service
2.  Electrical service
3.  Toilets that function
4.  Doors that are secure
5.  Windows that are secure
6.  Heater that functions when temperatures get cold (open for interpretation)
7.  AC that functions when temperatures get hot (open for interpretation)
8.  Roof that is water tight

The law generally states that if one of these things is not being supplied by the Landlord that they need to rememdy the problem within a "reasonable amount of time".  Reasonable is the word that causes the problem.  What might be reasonable for the Landlord is not reasonable for the tenant.

My general advice is that numbers 1-7 should be done within a couple of hours of notification by the tenant.  If they can't be repaired in that time (need to get parts) then within 24 hours for sure.

It's important to keep the tenant on your side.  I suggest that you communicate with tenant about what you are doing and why it might take longer than you would like.  Most tenants are understanding. 

If you can't make the repair right away, offer something to make them feel good.  Ask them what they think would be fair.  Most tenants will ask for something reasonable.  Give it to them if it is reasonable.  Maybe you can supply them with a portable heater or a fan.  Maybe you need to put them up in a hotel room for a night. 

If you work together with the tenant you will save money in the long run.

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